Tuesday, 16 October 2012

11/10/2012 Extended drawing...

I used one image and tried many different ways of drawing, the magazine cuting was a Louis Vitton fashion shoot and i used it in several ways to develop on my visual communication work. I wanted to experiment and try different methods that I hadnt used before. One of my favourite methods was to draw the image onto plastic by scratching into it, I later found out this can be used to print, so I am also going to try that out. Also I tried using different types of wire to draw out the image and used free machine stitch as well. By trial and error I figured out what worked and what didnt.
When Jo looked at my work she told me to try doing the drawings based on my own primary photographs. The fashion imagery was a success so I decided to create my own fashion shoot, which brings me to Monday (fashion shoot day).

 As part of my experimentation with drawing, I used clay to make tiles that will later be put into the kilm. I took photographs of them before they are fired just in case they explode whilst being finished.

Dry Point Prints...
Andy Warhol's line drawings simply outline the figure using a black line. Instead of recreating a similar look with pencil, I thought I could recreate this by using dry point printing. I scratched the image onto a thick acetate and then used them to print with. Here is the outcome...


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