Monday, 26 November 2012

12/11/2012 Whitworth Art Gallery- Manchester

Jane and Louise Wilson had taken a series of photographs and recorded a film based around the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.It showed the devastation left behind, focusing mainly on the empty buildings that had been abandoned. I thought this might relate well to the theme I plan on using in my project, I have gathered images on empty and damaged buildings. The images taken within this have made me want my images to have meaning.
The film which was produced by Jane and Louise Wilson, it was hard to understand as we were only able to start watching it part way through and didn't have time to watch the whole thing again as the gallery was about to close. Some of the imagery included in this film were amazing and it showed the effect that nature has over time on buildings and the sheer impact this can have. Interesting angles of the buildings were used and I want this to influence my work.

Jane and Louise Wilson, Atomgrad (Nature Abhors a Vacuum), 2010
These are some of the images I have already gathered... 

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