Whilst I was near Lancaster I decided a revisit was important, more for a look around than the images. By doing this I ensured that my ideas were relevant to the building and that they did it justice. Whilst I was in I was able to get a few images of the room as a whole and some more of the uniforms from the brochure, unfortunatly the images arnt the best quality because I only had my phone on me, but it gives a general idea of the space and the feel of the inside.
The above room was where I found the breathing equipment and mask.
This is one of the massive tanks in what appeared to be one of the main brewing rooms.
Structured elements of these uniform inspire me to create something which can be worn by both sexes. The manly nature of these uniforms reflect the masculinity of the rest of the building.
I want to look into some fashion designers that use the jumpsuit idea and garments that are fully structured but simple in shape.
In the brochure there were images similar to the mask that I found in the double height room, I didnt have time to take more than this image, but there were plenty featured throughout. As I said previously I would like to experiment working with a gas mask or breathing equipment in a fashion photoshoot, if it was related to my final piece I think it could work well.
Unfortunately I was extremely restricted on this visit due to time constraints and the equipment I had taken, I would like to revisit another time and get a few more images with a DSLR camera. I plan on doing this very soon, so that I can get more primary research to work with.
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